Jack Cella Retires as General Manager of the Seminary Co-op Bookstore

The Seminary Co-op is the best bookstore there is. And Hyde Park is where the best book store there is belongs. I have been a regular and a devotee since I first set foot in the place 32 years ago. When my own book came out I talked to Jack Cella, whose name I did not know, but he knew mine! We had been chatting on and off for 32 years, of course. He made sure they had America 3.0 on the shelf. Seeing my book on the shelf at the Seminary, in the very shadow of my alma mater, the University of Chicago, is the single proudest moment I have had as a published writer. I felt somehow I had come full circle.

End of an era: Farewell to Jack Cella

Seminary Co-op’s Cella retires

“Most everyone that I interviewed for the project, not only identified the Co-op as being the physical embodiment of the life of the mind and the ideals that the University of Chicago strives to create and encourage, but they also strongly identify it with Jack himself,” Doherty said, adding that, “for many, Jack kind of is the Co-op.”

Excerpt from America 3.0 on the American Family on Real Clear Religion

Please take a look at a piece by me entitled How to Revive the American Family appeared today in the Real Clear Religion, on the Real Clear Politics page. It is based on an excerpt from America 3.0.

In our book, we speculate about politics, economics and technology in the years ahead. We did not try to predict religious revivals or re-awakenings. Such events do occur in history, and they have fundamentally reshaped the world, but they are impossible to predict. The appearance of great religious leaders, of saintly men and women, of the Holy Spirit moving people in new ways, appear on a schedule, and follow a logic, that only God can understand.
Nonetheless, the historical record does give one hint: Major religious movements often happen at times of social upheaval. The United States is now embarking on a period of massive and transformative change. Old ways of life will be uprooted, and some of the changes will be wrenching. People will need to look within themselves, and outward to God, for the strength to adapt and to build a new and better America for themselves and their families.

Thanks to Real Clear Religion for publishing this piece.

God Bless America

Almighty God, who hast given us this good land for our heritage: We humbly beseech thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of thy favor and glad to do thy will. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Endue with the spirit of wisdom those to whom in thy Name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that, through obedience to thy law, we may show forth thy praise among the nations of the earth. In the time of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in thee to fail; all which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Book of Common Prayer (1928)

I am a Roman Catholic, but I happen to like this prayer.

It is sometimes attributed, apparently wrongly, to Thomas Jefferson.

Some Good Links on America 3.0 Themes

Two reports from McKinsey are helpful in thinking about our 2040 scenario.

I have only looked at the — 30 page — executive summaries.

Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy

Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy

These McKinsey pieces were cited in a post on the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation site, which cited to our piece in The American, published by AEI. Thanks to Michael Hendrix for the post.

There is a good piece from CATO on a theme in our book:

The Income Tax: A Century Is Enough.

We heartily agree.

Also, I respond to a despairing blogger: building America 3.0 is up to us.

And there’s this post from Arnold Kling that mentions our post.

Last but not least, some discussion of America 3.0 from HBD*Chick.