A Question of Integrity

I first started to blog in 2002. Since my main purpose in putting finger to keyboard was to provide advice for people interested in self defense issues, I quickly came to the realization that accepting advertising might just bring my integrity into question. If I endorsed a product or training course that also had an ad on my blog, why wouldn’t someone simply assume that I was more interested in the health of my bank account than the health of my students?

This really hasn’t been an issue, though. I have never enjoyed enough traffic where ad revenue would be significant. Still, a few people have made offers over the years for me to join various ad networks. My policy has always been to either politely decline, or simply ignore the offer.

I heard of an interesting inversion of this situation over at The Volokh Conspiracy. It seems that the authors of some Liberal blogs are becoming furious with elements of the Democratic Party. The complaint is that the Dems demand free publicity from the blogs, while avoiding any sort of quid pro quo by paying for an ad.

It seems obvious to me why the Democrats do this.

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Vote For The EFCA Or Else…Nothing…

I am on vacation in Florida, and sadly, I have decided to blog a bit.

While the wife gets the sand out of the kids hair and  whatever other areas they have sand packed in (we have had some seriously glorious beach time),  I have had the pleasure of watching a bit of the Ed Show, which has as its host far lefty loon  Ed Schultz.   As I was downing a couple of Yuengling’s I was amused so much that I laughed out loud.   And that is saying something for me…I need a Really Good Joke to make me laugh out loud, especially when watching the usual crap on TV.

So Mr. Ed was lamenting the fact that the EFCA  seems to be losing Democratic Senator support.   Of note, he crucified a senator from Arkansas and somewhere else.   Mr. Ed went on to say that the unions spent all kinds of money and that they were the real reason that Obama won the election, and also the reason that many Senators won their seats in the last election, blah, blah, blah.   But Mr. Ed never got to the logical end of the conversation.   Which is…what do the Unions do if the EFCA goes down in a ball of flames?  

The answer I was yelling at the TV in between my semi-intoxicated chuckles was NOTHING.   They will keep supporting Democratic Senators no matter what they do.

I apoligize in advance – I am going to pull a “Shannon” and probably ignore this post for a few days until I get back from this glorious weather.

Well, the Slavs Aren’t Like the Germans. . . but. . .

This is an audacious post that is one built purely upon a moment’s connection of dots that may mean nothing. I’m hesitant to put it out there next to the high level of discussion of the ongoing posts about military strategy and history. But, then, this is blogging, too bullshitting late at night.

Lately we refer to the thirties: not just in America, but throughout the world. Times are likely to get rougher in some places than here and perhaps more here than in yet others. Parallels abound. In the twenties and thirties, we saw chaos & nihilism in Germany – humiliation, stubborn pride, fear of chaos as governments failed. But, we forget that the Cold War also ended with a defeat. Russia’s pride was insulted, its governments chaotic and then Putin took hold with a strong hand. We forget that war perhaps because it didn’t seem all that much a triumph for Russia’s foes. For one thing, Europe didn’t feel like a victor and it was their territory: our contribution to NATO and cowboy example were important. (I wonder if their disproportionate and early gut reaction to Bush comes from a lack of ease with our role in that long peace from 1945-1990 – his cowboy style, his father’s presence in 1990.) Russia isn’t all that delighted because, well, why would they be? And we well, we crow about it a bit, but it doesn’t feel like much of a triumph because by 1990 we didn’t feel we were really at war.

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Failed Experiment?

Glenn gives us a heads up to what might be the beginning of the end of Pajamas Media.

I wrote about Pajamas Media back when they started. At the time I had grave misgivings, mainly because I couldn’t figure out how there could possibly be enough money coming in from ads on blogs to pay everyone a decent wage. Looks like that was exactly the problem.

Now it would appear that PM is dismantling their blog advertising to focus exclusively on their own television productions. This is something that sounds really iffy to me. And when I say “iffy”, I mean from the standpoint of something that someone would actually want to watch. But I’m hardly an expert on the PJTV content because I only ever watched three episodes of Poliwood before deciding that I could spend my time better elsewhere.

I’m not trying to sound harsh, just assess the situation in a realistic manner. A simple glance at PJTV’s home page reveals a fair amount of content. But the majority of it is by people I’ve never heard of before, and whose opinions I don’t care about. The few that I have come across before in the past, such as Austin Bay, have other places where I can go to find their opinion. Why check PJTV’s home page and wait until, every so often, they have someone I want to hear when I can narrow down the search?

There are a lot of things I like about blogs, but the way that readers can carry on a conversation with the author has got to top the list. It is easy, since you can cut-‘n-paste a passage from the essay on to your comment before stating that the author is brilliant or a schmuck. You can even add a link or two to prove your assertion of brilliance or schmuckitude.

It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to do this with a video even if they would allow comments. Oh, you might be able to transcribe what was said, but the ease of cut-n-paste is gone. You also would have to sit through the entire thing, in real time without being able to skim like you can with the written word, to make sure that there was no hedging or clarification that would invalidate the point you were trying to make. You could be leaving comments on five or six blog posts in the same time you are waiting to speak your mind on one 19 minute gabfest. Who wants to spend their time this way?

Four years ago I said that, although I wished them well, I thought Pajamas Media was doomed to failure. The same thing goes for PJTV. Try as I might, I cannot see how this will be a success.

I doubt it will take four years more to prove if I’m right.

George Orwell on Blog Comments, 1938

When you meet anyone in the flesh you realize immediately that he is a human being & not a sort of caricature embodying certain ideas. It is partly for that reason that I don’t mix much in literary circles, because I know from experience that once I have met & spoken to anyone I shall never again be able to show any intellectual brutality towards him, even when I feel that I ought to.