Meteorologists for Kerry?

Hmm. If I ran an advertising agency I might think twice before displaying, in front of my office on a major thoroughfare, such a subtle and nuanced example of my creative and persuasive talents. But maybe I don’t understand the business.

Beautiful Oregon

Crater Lake, Rogue River and Coastal Dunes Enjoy!

With friends like these. . .

Another Karl Rove plot?

John Kerry’s secret weapon, no doubt. It would be a grave error to underestimate the numbers and political influence of ex-USMC officers who have Che stickers on their cars and spell America with a “k”. Oh yeah.


Faithful ChicagoBoyz readers head over to the Internet cafe.

Fabulous Old Cycling Photos

Enough about the election for a while. Here’s a neat site that’s packed with dramatic photos from European races of the 1930s through 1950s. In those days a lot of roads were unpaved and the riders worked for peanuts.

It’s interesting to compare these ancient mountain images with more modern views (e.g., here and here) of similar areas.