Just in Time for the Beijing Olympics

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has an online exhibition about the 1936 Nazi Olympics:

In August 1936, Adolf Hitler’s Nazi dictatorship scored a huge propaganda success as host of the Summer Olympics in Berlin. The Games were a brief, two-week interlude in Germany’s escalating campaign against its Jewish population and the country’s march toward war. This site explores the issues surrounding the 1936 Olympic Games—the Nazis’ use of propaganda, the intense boycott debate, the history of the torch run, the historic performance of Jesse Owens, and more.

Change a few names and nouns and the above description fits the 2008 Olympics rather closely, no? Congratulations to the USHMM on its fine sense of timing. Let’s hope that the Chinese government benefits less from the 2008 games than Hitler did from the ones in 1936.

Gonna be a whole new ball game

The next soccer war is long overdue. I got a serious itch in my trigger toe by now…

ChicagoBoyz Physical Fitness Series, Continued…

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Jonathan and I have been working hard to try to keep up with Zenpundit and his weightlifting skills. I am pround to announce that I finally cracked the half ton mark on my squat, and here is footage of the proud modafinil200mg moment – a 1,220 pound squat:

In all seriousness, can somebody tell me how you train for something like this? Do reps of 600 pounds? 700? Sheesh.


In the past I have been known to tell people who “share” music online that they are thieves. Not as if they are doing anything worth throwing them in jail for – don’t get me wrong there. But the fact that people who share files that happen to be copyrighted music to me smells like stealing. In other words, the product is being taken and used, and no royalty paid.

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