
Remarkable verbal pirouettes from gun-ban advocate Mark Kelly:

Obviously Glenn Reynolds is right about this. Kelly bought the guns for the same reasons so many other people are buying guns. No other explanation makes sense. He expected to do it without anyone noticing, and now that he’s been called out he’s appearing in friendly media to try to minimize damage to the cause. We won’t believe him but surely some people will, perhaps the same kinds of people who believe gun bans reduce crime.

(Via Breitbart.)

UPDATE (March 14): Whoops!

Taxed Enough Already

Very closely are noble issues bound up with material ones. Nothing could be more grossly material than the refusal to pay taxes, and the honest historian who comes to examine these occasional epic refusals will find often that the tax was reasonable and the refusal, on material grounds, absurd. Yet the refusal to pay taxes is one of the sacraments of history, the outward and visible sign of the inward and spiritual grace, the symbol of a resurgent spirit among an oppressed people, the assertion of the rights of man, the voice of liberty defying the dictates of authority.

William the Silent: William of Nassau, Prince of Orange, 1533-1584 by C.V. Wedgwood

“Learning from dirty jobs”

This video touches on a variety of interesting themes. Worth watching.

Shooting Stances…

Valuable tips!

(Via Of Arms & the Law.)

Ode to Joy

Via Chicagoboyz community member Death 6:

This is very nice (full screen video).