Joy Division – Transmission

I do miss Ian from time to time.

The Zombies, Going to a Go Go (1966) [Live]

This is a totally perfect Mod era go go party on some French TV show. I want to be 19 years old, skinny, and at this party.

San Francisco 1906, before the earthquake and subsequent fire

A trip down Market Street before the fire, on April 15th, 1906:

This is from the Prelinger Archives, which were acquired by the Library of Congress and also are part of the Internet Archive.

A great timelapse video

Via the planet5D blog:

“Landscapes: Volume Two” by Dustin Farrell

Landscapes: Volume Two from Dustin Farrell on Vimeo.

If you have a fast enough computer, you might want to view it in full screen.

You can find more timelapse videos by him here.

The Outsiders (Netherlands), Daddy Died on Saturday (1968)

RIP Wally Tax

A vintage garage rock song with a whimsical sound, brutal Brechtian lyrics, psychedelic tinges, a harpsichord, and Wally’s harmonica solo at the end pushing it over the edge into awesome.

Thanks to Carl Ortona for this one. And thanks to Monoman a/k/a Jeff Conolly for turning Carl on to the Outsiders so he could then spread the goodness.

UPDATE: Ha. I forgot I already posted this one a couple of years ago. Senility. But I’ll leave it up since I like it.