Time for FREXIT?

France is being fined 500 million Euros by the EU because it didn’t meet its ‘renewable energy’ goals in 2020.

Yet the CO2 intensiveness of France’s electrical generation is running about 121gCO2/kWh, while Germany is at 647gCO2/kWh.   Apparently, nuclear doesn’t count as ‘renewable’ by EU standards.   (The numbers would have surely been even more favorable to France in 2020 than those based on this 2022 snapshot, given that so many French nuclear plants are down for maintenance at the present time)

Selfish, Personal Post: If You Were to Start Tomorrow, What e-mail service would you use?

After a day of waiting on hold with my new internet server (I “bundled” for considerable savings but also because our local cable provider had been swallowed in a buy-out),   the last techie informed me that it was surprising I still got any e-mails – not that they were disappearing from my inbox and from deleted, etc.   (And pretty soon I wouldn’t get any.)    Suddenlink addresses, apparently, were being sent to some black hole.   Meanwhile, Optimum does not provide that service.

I guess I need to move on.   Opinions are generally well supported (and not in short supply) among Chicagoboyz; what has your experience taught you?   I’d love anecdotes   but statements like – XX is wonderful or terrible will also help.    After all, who is more savvy than a Chicagoboy?   On the other hand, I’m incompetent and totally rely on the Greek Squad so simplicity and safety are my biggest concerns.

A Grand Puzzlement

There are certain things that I just don’t “get”. No matter how hard I try and wrap my mind around the topic, it just stubbornly refuses to engage, sitting in a little sullen lump in the corner and obstinately saying “No.” Because of this, the higher mathematic fields have always been closed to me, either through natural disinclination or having been traumatized in getting blind-sided by the New Math in the third grade. Wisely, I stuck to the simpler, practical methods to do with numbers, and left esoteric maths to those who had a bent for them. I have other talents.

That being admitted and perhaps in relation to such an inability, I could never quite grasp the method and appeal of bitcoin.

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