
So now Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the Supreme Court, duly sworn in after weeks of sturm, drang and drama such as a reasonable person can hardly credit, of unproven accusations of every kind of sexual misconduct on the part of Justice Kavanaugh by hysterical and/or malicious people. Seriously, have the Move On, MeToo, Pussy-Hat crowd gone so far off the rails as to believe that the presumption of innocence standard must be utterly disregarded, and the commandment against bearing false witness be revoked entirely? Apparently and never mind that this single-minded attitude towards accusation and punishment leads straight back to the era of strange fruit hanging from the poplar tree, blood on the leaves and blood at the root. Only not black bodies swinging in the southern breeze, but the actual or metaphorical bodies of husbands, friends, sons and brothers. Requiring proof of an accusation against any male appears to be an utterly outré notion to the vicious brigade of professional 21st century feminists and the fact that ordinary women of every color and inclination are not merrily following the tumbrils as our uteri are supposed to direct us, appears to be cause for volcanic outrage among the vicious brigade.
Well, life is full of these little tragedies, kids. Better luck next time. Go louder, more obnoxious, and double down on the personal threats that will so convince us and win overwhelming support to your side!

This is by way of saying I am torn over deciding which of several interested or associated parties have emerged from l’affaire Kavanaugh having sustained the most damage. Judge Kavanaugh himself at least has the knowledge of a hard-fought win to comfort himself but knowing that he and his family are now the most-favored target of all those unhinged leftists who took the unfounded and unsupported accusations as the gospel truth must be reason for worry on his part. President Trump gets high marks, BTW, for sticking to his guns and now allowing his pick for the Supreme Court to be bullied into withdrawing from the field.
The establishment Dems have lost, of course but like a reoccurring case of herpes, they will bounce back, as annoying as ever. Damage done to the credibility of the national news media may be longer-lasting, even permanent, given that print outlets like the once-respected Time Magazine is tottering like a house of cards, and viewership of outlets like CNN are perceptibly declining. Those of us paying attention over the last twenty years or so we already knew that a) the establishment print and broadcast media outlets were biased and b) steadfastly devoted to not seeing that which they did not want to see. The Kavanaugh bruhaha was just another point in the whole depressing saga. Permanent and irrevocable damage will take more than a week to reveal itself, but it is interesting that a scattering of more sensible media observers are candidly admitting that as a whole, the news media blew it with Kavanaugh.

The other party, or parties which may very well lose as substantially over time as the establishment media may very well be millennial-aged and slightly older women in the workplace. It can’t have gone unnoticed that for thirty and more years, that quiet wisdom in the workplace was never to be alone with a female subordinate (or superior!) lest wagging tongues create a scandal … or a malicious/resentful woman have cause to later complain of sexual harassment. The usual suspects sniggered at Billy Graham and Mike Pence as paranoid old prudes when they made it an absolute rule never to be alone with another woman not their wife, but in the wake of #metoo, no one is laughing. What is even more frightening than a perhaps mildly credible accusation of sexual misconduct is the one made up of whole cloth. I can easily foresee a whole lot of woman going into a workplace and having nothing but a distant and impersonal relationship with the men in it. While I am all for professional respect and courtesy in the workplace not having any kind of mentoring, or social relationship, even just plain old friendship would get very draining after a time. Chalk that up to another thing which the screaming professional feminists have ruined.

Any other parties emerging as big losers from the Kavanaugh bruhaha? Enlarge upon and discuss as you will.

45 thoughts on “Fallout”

  1. I think much of the media left wing bias comes from a change in the way people go to work as reporters.

    There was once a tradition of starting at the bottom, even as an office boy or secretary. You got the crime beat and then you learned who, what where, when and last was “why?”

    No ore, Ben Rhodes was more honest than he knew in describing reporters.

    Rhodes said, ”œThe average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns”¦ They literally know nothing.”

    And about the Iran deal ?

    In the spring of last year, legions of arms-control experts began popping up at think tanks and on social media, and then became key sources for hundreds of often-clueless reporters. ‘We created an echo chamber,’ [Rhodes] admitted, when I asked him to explain the onslaught of freshly minted experts cheerleading for the deal. ‘They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say.’ (emphasis added)

    Those are the J school grads who have no knowledge of the real world and are determined to “Change the World.”

    Paul Newman was a lefty and was angry at Rupert Murdoch but he hot a home run with his movie, Absence of Malice”

    The FBI organized crime task force have no evidence that he’s involved with the mob but decide to pressure him into perhaps revealing something – anything – about a murder they’re sure was a mob hit. They let Megan Carter, a naive but well-meaning journalist, know he is being investigated and Gallagher’s name is soon all over the newspaper.

    It’s a good movie and I watch it every year or two.

  2. I am again reminded of something that Russian WWII attack pilot wrote in her excellent memoir. Her mother’s prayers, kneeling before the icons, had always included the names of each of her children, with request to “God save them from slander!”

    As a child, Anna didn’t really understand that word Slander, but after her brother was arrested as an Enemy of the People, “it was exposed before me in all its terrible nakedness.”

  3. Yes – I thought of that too, David. Slander. Or as it says in the Commandments of a slightly different and more malicious process – bearing false witness. Bearing False Witness … that might have been the step too far for ordinary citizens not paying all that much attention to matters political.

  4. era of strange fruit hanging from the poplar tree, blood on the leaves and blood at the root.
    Lyrics straight from the song.The lyrics remind me of some unintended irony. Abe Merepool wrote and published the music and lyrics of Strange Fruit in 1937. Billy Holiday recorded Strange Fruit in 1939. Merepool was a Communist, and appears to have been a Communist when he wrote the song. The Strange Story Of The Man Behind ‘Strange Fruit.’

    New York lawmakers didn’t like “Strange Fruit.” In 1940, Meeropol was called to testify before a committee investigating communism in public schools. They wanted to know whether the American Communist Party had paid him to write the song. They had not ”” but, like many New York teachers in his day, Meeropol was a Communist.

    “Strange Fruit” is a cry against lynching, against justice denied, of death sentences without fair trial. The Dewey Commission, started in March 1937, investigated the political trials then going on in Moscow.

    Following months of investigation, the Dewey Commission made its findings public in New York on September 21, 1937.
    A sub-commission, comprising the first five commission members above, conducted thirteen hearings at Leon Trotsky’s home in Coyoacan, Mexico, D.F., from April 10 to April 17, 1937. Trotsky was defended by the lawyer Albert Goldman. John Finerty acted as the commission’s legal counsel.[3]

    The commission proclaimed that it had cleared Trotsky of all charges made during the Moscow Trials and, moreover, exposed the scale of the alleged frame-up of all other defendants during these trials. Among its conclusions, it stated: “That the conduct of the Moscow trials was such as to convince any unprejudiced person that no effort was made to ascertain the truth.

    But no complaint from Abe Merepool about lack justice in the Soviet Union.

    Abe Merepool later adopted the sons of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg- orphaned by their execution for nuclear spying. Abe Merepool was to be commended for helping two unfortunate children. But for those who considered the Rosenbergs to be the victims of unfair trials, subsequent evidence has shown that the Rosenbergs were guilty as charged.

    Strange Fruit and unfair justice- lot of connections.

  5. It is an old tradition. Democrats believe the woman when it is useful, then the mob, and then the lynching. It worked with Emmett Till, why not Brent Kavanaugh and his supporters?

    Old timey politics and a will to conquer.

    And now they have a captive media and the internet to spread the “Slander”.

    Interesting times!

  6. I think there will be a very strong backlash against women in the workplace. They will simply be excluded to the greatest extent possible that is consistent with ensuring that a charge of discrimination cannot be made. The risks are far too great and too many women buy in too deeply to the feminist crazy to make dealing with them worth it.

    As for the mainstream media, I have long since thought that anything printed in the NYT, or spoken on the alphabet networks, was slanted left and dishonest from its conception. They can’t lose any more credibility with me because it’s not possible for them to go any lower. I will be very glad to see the SlimBlog and the BezosBlog go under, but I’m not at all unhappy to see them sucking down a lot of their owners’ money on their way to the garbage dump.

    I never listen to anything Democrats have to say anymore because they never do anything but lie. A more contemptible lot would be hard to find anywhere in American history. Being a Democrat is clear evidence one is deeply, deeply lacking in judgment, morality and honor. They’re sworn enemies of God and the Republic, and not to be trusted to the slightest degree under any circumstances. I try to avoid associating with them when and wherever possible.

  7. Diane Feinstein certainly lost. Because of a change in election law in CA (by initiative) only the top 2 vote getters (regardless of party) get to be on the final ballot. Feinstein’s seat is fought by Feinstein and an even more unhinged challenger. At first I would going to vote for Feinstein as the lesser of 2 evils; now I think I will simply write in a candidate.

    What is your dog’s name Sgt Mom? Or does Blondi want to run? You? We’ll keep the fact that ya’ll
    are now TX residents quiet.

  8. “Permanent and irrevocable damage will take more than a week to reveal itself, but it is interesting that a scattering of more sensible media observers are candidly admitting that as a whole, the news media blew it with Kavanaugh.”
    Oh, I imagine they mean that only in the sense that they failed to stop the nomination.

  9. I can honestly say that my opinion of Democrats in general, and the media in particular, is no lower now than it was at the start of the Kavanaugh hearings.

  10. John C Stephens

    I can honestly say that my opinion of Democrats in general, and the media in particular, is no lower now than it was at the start of the Kavanaugh hearings.

    Ditto. I doubt that the treatment of Kavanaugh appalled many Democrats. The change is from squishy Republicans, who would withdraw support from a Republican at Democrat accusations of misbehavior. More squishy Republicans now realize that for the Democrats, ethics and integrity are to be abandoned in the war against Republicans.

  11. Bill Brandt – check CA voting laws. On other blogs discussing the Feinstein-De Leon race I’m hearing that write-ins aren’t allowed and will result in a rejection of all votes on the ballot.

  12. If I were a newspaper editor looking to hire a reporter, I’d be looking for someone who could demonstrate curiosity and persistence, and could write clearly on a deadline. And by the way, a J-school degree would be a disqualifier.

  13. I would suggest voting for de Leon as he will have no seniority and maybe we can finally get Chinese intelligence out of our Senate Intel committee.

  14. So sad. I agree with your assessment. I am at retirement age and have had a great career. Many wonderful friendships with great guys whom I learned so much from. Yes there were a few jerks along the way, but learning how to deal with them was a great learning experience as well. I doubt my daughter will have the opportunity to learn “on the job” like I did.

    This Kavanaugh “event” represents such a 180 degree change from what I used to think feminism represented. When I was young it was about getting out there and working your tail off to succeed. Learning from setbacks and leaning how to be better, faster, stronger. Celebrating the differences between the sexes because they complimented each other and made for a better team. Victimhood?? Try personal accountability.

    Personal anecdote : First job just starting out. At an after hours party comprised of co workers. Noticed one inebriated co worker had his zipper down. When I told him about the state of his zipper he asked me if “I wanted to zip it up for him with my teeth.” I told him he wouldn’t have any teeth of his own if he kept up with that type of comment. Also mentioned that I used to butcher livestock with my aunt who was a rancher. And castrate bulls. After that he kept his distance. (Maybe I was too aggressive, but it worked) He was an okay guy, did a great job, just needed to figure out how to keep his mouth shut when he was drunk. Went on to have a solid career.

    Now that guy would be written up or worse, maybe lose his job. “oh help me so and so made a sexist remark”!! Suck it up buttercup. I heard plenty of sexist remarks from female co workers. It cuts both ways.

  15. One of the many sad things about all this: destroying the ability of people to find boyfriends/girlfriends/mates at work. The work environment is a much better place to see what someone is really like than is a noisy bar, it is a much better setting for finding out if you’re really attracted to someone than is the cold virtual setting of an on-line dating service.

  16. When it comes to the CA Senate race, the only sane option is the one so many of us already chose–move.

    The effects of that stupid proposition where the top 2 finishers advance to the general were as obvious as what would happen with that idiotic bullet train prop, but the powers that be wanted it, and enough lies were told to get them both passed. Ballot initiatives are such a stupid way to govern, even compared to most progressive ideas.

  17. David – on finding romance at work I am ambivalent. If the relationship goes sour, then the workplace is a miserable place for both parties. Or at least 1.

    Brian – IIRC both parties didn’t want this proposition to pass but the people, in their infinite wisdom , voted it in anyway.

    A lot can happen in the months between a primary and the election – and I think the Republican would have had a chance this time. Our local Congressional race is the same. 2 Dems.

    Easier to just skip that race rather than a protest write in, I guess.

  18. Bill: The proposition was based on a bill that passed the state legislature easily, which tells you the Dem officeholders clearly supported it. I definitely remember the media pushing it hard, claiming it would lead to more moderate candidates. See, for example, all of the commentary in this article at the time, nothing but delusional nonsense:

    Ahnuld was a big backer, of course. He took a state GOP that was on the ropes and completely murdered it.

  19. on finding romance at work I am ambivalent. If the relationship goes sour, then the workplace is a miserable place for both parties. Or at least 1.

    My wife was an ICU nurse who used to get my ICU patients so she could talk to me on the phone.

    I had no idea.

  20. a J-school degree would be a disqualifier.

    The easiest way to fix The Denver Post: Gather all the reporters in a room and ask, “Who’s a reporter because you want to change the world?” Fire everyone who raises their hand.

    Unfortunately, I can’t afford to buy it (yet).

  21. I like the cut of your jib, Mrsizer! A splendid plan – do you have a newsletter? And cheer up – at the rate that newspapers and weeklies are dying on the vine, you soon might be able to purchase the Denver Post for the change you find under the sofa cushions.

  22. Bill…”on finding romance at work I am ambivalent. If the relationship goes sour, then the workplace is a miserable place for both parties. Or at least 1.”

    But isn’t that true also of churches, volunteer organizations, and universities? (especially, in the case of universities, where both people are enrolled in the same fairly-small program)

  23. “The work environment is a much better place to see what someone is really like than is a noisy bar”
    I don’t think this is true at all. Who you are at work is a role you play, that may or may not be what you are “really like” (whatever that means anyway). Of course, you are playing a role at a bar, as well, in many cases. If you’re there with your friend to eat and watch a game, that’s one role you’ll fill, if you’re there to try to find a partner, that’s another role, etc.

  24. Brian…if nothing else, there is the factor of *time*. You can get to know someone a lot better even in casual interactions at work over 3 months or a year the in a couple of hours at a bar. Yeah, people do play a role at work, but the degree of role-playing that can be maintained for 8 or 10 hours a day, day after day, seems somewhat limited. (Not to mention that bars tend to be pretty noisy!)

    In general, the bar scene probably works best for those who are highly extroverted and self-confident (especially for guys) and especially good-looking (especially for women)…and even then, probably better for those just looking for a hookup or something short-term.

  25. “if nothing else, there is the factor of *time*”
    True. Which is why people should be encouraged to get married to other people from their hometowns who they know from growing up together…

    “people do play a role at work, but the degree of role-playing that can be maintained for 8 or 10 hours a day, day after day, seems somewhat limited.”
    Nah. In the modern office you can’t be yourself at all. Try to tell black humor cynical jokes, etc., and you’re gone. It’s a hugely self-censored place, for both good reasons and bad.

  26. Brian – correct me if I am wrong, but the CA initiative process was created by Gov Hiram Johnson as a means of bypassing the legislature and the influence of (then) the Southern Pacific railroad. It goes around the legislature. The Legislature can’t “pass” something then give it to the people to vote on. I do believe they can vote to put something as an initiative.

    But something only becomes law one way of the other.

    I remember voting on it.

    This gas tax initiative is an example of an attempt for the people to nullify a law made by the Dems (and one turncoat Republican).

    Bill”¦”on finding romance at work I am ambivalent. If the relationship goes sour, then the workplace is a miserable place for both parties. Or at least 1.”

    But isn’t that true also of churches, volunteer organizations, and universities? (especially, in the case of universities, where both people are enrolled in the same fairly-small program)

    You raise some interesting points. My only contention is that if the relationship goes bad, how does the couple rectify it? Continuing to work together would be very awkward. True of the other institutions too (well, church – see each other once a week?) But good counter points.

  27. The Legislature can’t ”œpass” something then give it to the people to vote on. I do believe they can vote to put something as an initiative.

    There is a hilarious example of the cluelessness of the left in Arizona, aside from the D Senate candidate calling the state “The meth lab of democracy.”

    The state legislature passed a law that expanded school vouchers.

    The left, especially public school teachers, were enraged and wrote an initiative to reverse the legislative initiative.

    The trouble is that they wrote the initiative to support, not oppose the new law. I can’t imagine why. You would think they would have competent lawyers.

    Anyway, there are now signs all over telling voters to “Vote NO on Prop 305.” They have to vote no on their own initiative!

    The Arizona Republic leans left so it does not explain why the proposition is worded the way it is.

    That is who is teaching the kids of Arizona. That’s why my friends here with kids all send them to private or charter schools.

  28. In the news is that Trump nominated three originalists to the Ninth Circuit count in San Francisco over the blue slips from both Senator Feinstein and Senator Harris.

    The Ninth is the most overturned circuit court in the country and it sure could use restaffing. Speaking of California’s initiative process, the Ninth is infamous for overturning the will of the voters through initiatives for often spurious legal reasoning.

    Maybe a solid Republican majority will stuff this down the Democrats’ throats after the mid-terms.

  29. The 9th will still have a leftist majority in spite of these three but it’s progress.

    The best outcome would be to break up the 9th, leaving the leftists with the three coastal states and Hawaii.

    Then they could create another Circuit for those of us still sane.

  30. There are two ways of looking at the situation — What is the best thing for a sustainable society? And what is the best course of action for an individual teenage male today?

    For that hypothetical teenage male, the answer seems relatively clear — Model behavior on the social environment of the now-defunct post WWI English public schoolboy, which means to live in an all-male world. Lying Chrissie has sent a clear message — don’t even allow yourself to be at a party where a teenage girl might attend. Going to University could be a rather poor choice, especially compared to a stint in the US Marines. When the time comes to look for a female partner, Go East Young Man. Skip over Europe, where Political Correctness and virulent feminism is mostly worse than in North America. Russia, the ‘stans, the Philippines, China, even Japan are places where one can still find an educated attractive woman who knows how to behave as a lady.

  31. the commandment against bearing false witness

    Commandments belong to the obsolete, patriarchal Xian religion which morality no longer oppressed them. They want to belong to the winning side, the state.

  32. The US is the biggest loser. Its population is no longer moral, no longer capable of enlightened self interest; itself no longer capable of limited government

  33. Russia, the ‘stans, the Philippines, China, even Japan are places where one can still find an educated attractive woman who knows how to behave as a lady.

    The Han Chinese used to be very racist about marrying anyone not Han. One of my students ten years ago, had done her university in Beijing and her mother was a professor there. She told me her grandfather had taught her English although, of course, it was also taught in school. He had been an American but was caught in China after the Revolution.

    Her father was trained as a Physicist but worked as an auto mechanic because he was Christian.

    I asked her why she had come to America for medical school and she told me she wanted to care for her parents when they got old. She had a brother in China and she was married to a Caucasian.

    My daughter has been to China multiple times and has friends there. The young man taught English and ended up living with one of his students. They came to my daughter’s wedding and the young woman announced she wanted to get married when they went back to Virginia so he could get an MBA. They did and are living, I think, back in China.

    I have read about the retired military enlisted men living with pretty wives in the Philippines.

  34. David Foster: I don’t think the real world will change that fast. I just attended the wedding of two people who met and worked together for the last four years. As the relationship progressed, I had some misgivings that I kept strictly to myself, especially since I consider both to be friends. If things had gone south, it could have been a problem.

    I think it would have worked out, both are adults. Both are discrete at work. Unfortunately, life is messy, you can’t always arrange everything in the most prudent manner. Anti-fraternization rules are hardly new and generally work about as well as you would expect.

    I’m too old to change. I’m also too old to worry about things I don’t need to. No one died and left me in charge. No one is required to agree with me, I’m not required to agree with anyone else or, short of criminality, approve. And especially, I’m old enough to realize that hardly anyone cares what I think about their private choices.

    Even better, I find that even I don’t care if someone I work with is Gay or supports Beto. It saves a lot of energy.

    I hope and expect things to calm down a little after the election, at least until 2020 kicks off. I also expect rage fatigue to set in.

  35. I’d say a big loser from the affair is the whole notion of “rehabilitation.” Let’s assume for a moment that Ford’s claim was really “credible.” (I know, it’s a stretch.) As an adult Kavanaugh underwent numerous thorough background investigations, and came out squeaky clean. He has broken no laws and has been a model citizen. In spite of that, the “progressive” leftists would have us believe that the vengeance of the State must fall upon him for a youthful indiscretion committed more than three decades ago, based on the unsupported, vague accusation of a woman who we know lied about her fear of flying, her claustrophobia, the reason for two doors on her house, etc. What message does that send to families with young sons? Forget about any attempt by society to “reform,” or “correct,” or “rehabilitate” juvenile offenders. They are damned for life! They may hold mundane jobs, but if they aspire to any position of authority or status, their careers will be destroyed, they will be smeared in the media, and their families will be terrorized and humiliated! Since, as a wise man pointed out 2000 years ago, none of us are perfect saints, why on earth would anyone even seek such responsible positions, knowing that they will be subjected to public humiliation at the very least unless they show absolute loyalty to the leftist puppet masters? We have just witnessed the metamorphosis of the Left into all the things they once claimed to abhor; lynch mobs, witch hunters, and “McCarthyites.” I put the latter term in quotes, because at least McCarthy had a point. The Communists he warned us about were real, and they hardly bothered to even conceal the fact in the 30’s and early 40’s. Now we are to believe, however, that any man may immediately be transformed into a “rapist” based only on the completely unsupported claim of some aggrieved woman. “Have they no shame?” Apparently not.

    I note in passing that Fox News ran the moronic assertion by Chris Wallace that Ford was “credible” as one of the top headlines on its website for several days. It makes you wonder.

  36. I note in passing that Fox News ran the moronic assertion by Chris Wallace that Ford was ”œcredible” as one of the top headlines on its website for several days. It makes you wonder.

    No, the Murdoch kids are now in charge and plan to attend as many New York cocktail parties as they can.

    The only things left at Fox worth attention are Bartiromo and Tucker Carlson, whose new book is on my Kindle.

  37. It’s like something out of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” Apparently the Fox kids want to amuse us by morphing Fox into the BBC before our eyes.

  38. The old Chinese proverb applies, as usual.

    First generation coolie, second generation merchant, third generation rich man, fourth generation coolie.

    Murdoch, as Krauthammer quipped, found a niche market that had 50% of the population.

    The Murdoch kids are going to destroy their inheritance, as is usual.

    A commenter at Althouse had a good observation about China in the past. There was no capitalism or stock company model to retain wealth.

    The Jews, according to Paul Johnson’s history of the Jews, invented capitalism and stock companies to make wealth transportable if the Jews had to move or shift assets. They could not own property and had occasion to move quickly at times.

    The Italians added accounting but the Jews invented the stock company.

  39. Mike K.:

    Just saw your comment The Han Chinese used to be very racist about marrying anyone not Han.

    It still exists. I have a distant cousin who was orphaned and my dad ended up adopting. [Don’t ask. Between paper sons and the fact that Chinese were not considered to be human under American law until 1943, family histories get complex.] We considered him my half-brother. Not being particularly ambitious he has never learned English and always worked for others. In the 1970’s, my dad got together with her dad, and there was an arranged marriage. Yes, they still happen.

    Their kids [3 girls and a boy] were raised in a household where Cantonese only was spoken, and learned excellent English in school, and were high achievers. My nephew became a doctor. Normally a source of huge pride. But when my nephew married an American girl who was a most un-Chinese blonde, my idiot brother disowned him for it. His mother hasn’t, but my brother still holds the old beliefs.

    First generation here Chinese females take to intermarriage with non-Chinese a lot easier than the males.

  40. First generation here Chinese females take to intermarriage with non-Chinese a lot easier than the males.

    I think the China abortion policy has something to do with it. Girls in China do not feel it necessary to marry Chinese boys.

    That was my example of my daughter’s friends. The girl was a student learning English, then became attached to the American instructor.

    They ended up married and, I think, are back in China.

  41. Anecdote is not data — but among the expatriate Chinese ladies I have met, there seems to be a common view that there are slim pickings amongst Chinese males, despite the male oversupply. Problem seems to be that many Chinese single sons were brought up as little princes and have an inflated sense of their own worth.

    This might be seen as almost a mirror image of the Western problem, where little girls are told they are all beautiful intelligent princesses who deserve to be CEO and have to be wary of those uncouth evil men hiding behind ever tree and occupying every boardroom just waiting to assault them.

    Disgusted western males and disappointed Chinese females may find they have a lot in common.

  42. Key sentence in that article, which I had seen before:

    If you can, homeschool your kids. If you can’t, please realize they learn all the time. Not just what is said to them, no. They learn what’s enacted around them. ALL THE TIME.

    My grandkids, at least the two youngest, are in a charter school. If I could afford it I would send them to the private school their father attended but tuition has gone to $38,000 a year,

    We need to go back to single sex schools. I attended Catholic schools through high school. Grammar schools were mixed sexes but high school was boys (and girls) only, No “middle school.”

    Until this feminist insanity passes.

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