…does Obama have one? Can he laugh at himself?
Do these questions really matter?
Elizabeth Scalia explores the Obama-humor relationship.
Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
…does Obama have one? Can he laugh at himself?
Do these questions really matter?
Elizabeth Scalia explores the Obama-humor relationship.
The modern anti-Semite looks entirely different. He does not have a shaved head. He has good manners and often an academic title as well…The modern anti-Semite does not believe in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. But instead he fantasizes about an “Israel lobby” that is supposed to control American foreign policy like a tail that wags the dog. For the modern anti-Semite, it goes without saying that every year on January 27 he will commemorate the liberation of Auschwitz. But at the same time he militates for the right of Iran to have atomic weapons.
—Henryk Broder, in a speech to the German Bundestag.
Saw a car today with two bumper stickers–one said “Support Israel” and the other was some kind of pro-Democratic-Party statement.
It struck me that this was like a car in 1938 Britain with bumper stickers (did they have bumper stickers in those days?) saying:
“Keep Czechoslovakia Free”
“Support Neville Chamberlain”
Edward Markey, a Democratic U.S. Congressman, told a group of high school students that “climate change” was responsible for the famine in Somalia and hence for the 1993 “Black Hawk down” battle between American troops and Somali rebels. He also told the students, who were from the Gulf states, that hurricane Katrina had been caused by global warming.
As if there hadn’t been famines, wars, and massacres..and hurricanes…for thousands of years.
Markey’s comments seem to me to be more than a little unhinged. Neptunus Lex:
To call this sort of thinking “muddled” is to do disservice leftmost tail of the intellectual bell curve. “Fantastic” might be a better description. As in “magical”.
Unfortunately, this quality of thought is pretty common on the Democratic side of the Congressional aisle. If these people were businesspeople, and applied this kind of thinking to running their businesses, they would quickly go broke. If they were tribal leaders, their tribes would wind up dying of famine or killed/enslaved by enemies. If they were ship captains, they’d run aground or be sunk by typhoons.
Pretty scary to think how much influence they have on our collective future.
Update: Corrected Markey’s title–thanks, BobC.
Today at 10:00 EDT, the oilman / corporate raider T Boone Pickens will hold a press conference to launch his plan (humbly entitled “the Pickens Plan”) for sharply reducing the American demand for imported oil. The address of the webcast is at the link.
Here is the Pickens Plan website, and here’s a USA Today article on the plan.
In a nutshell, the idea is:
1)Heavy use of wind power-much of it to be produced in massive wind farms–to generate electricity. This would free up large amounts of natural gas, which is now a primary fuel for electrical generation.
2)Shift a substantial portion of America’s car and truck fleet to run on natural gas, which would of course become relatively cheaper if it were less in demand for power generation.
Let’s discuss.