Mitch Daniels


Michael Barone reports that Dan Coats has hinted that Mitch Daniels is “definitely considering” a run for president in 2012.

That sounds pretty tenuous. But … . I cannot believe that an insider like Coats would have told this to a major pundit and journalist like Barone unless it was serious, and unless it was authorized. It must mean that Daniels is allowing this idea to be floated. So, I take it as a serious piece of news.

If this is true, I am starting to go from “meh” to “whatever” to … actually happy about the prospects for 2012. Mitch is the only Republican who I am enthusiastic about, rather than just voting for anybody-but-Obama.

(Mitch is like the original, more experienced version of one of the few politicians I have ever actually voted for with gusto, Adam Andrzejewski who recently lost the GOP primary here in Illinois. See Adam’s site For the Good of Illinois. We have not heard the last from Adam.)

Mitch is an experienced guy in a throw-the-bums-out election. But unlike most of the insiders and hacks who want to tout their “experience” Mitch’s experience is as a budget cutter and hard-nosed financial realist, who is not from Washington, and who has serious business experience. His resume is almost uncannily perfect. He is a guy that Tea Party people and regular GOP loyalists can all get behind. He won in Indiana the same night Mr. Obama did, which shows he has strong appeal to independents.

As Mr. Barone notes, Mitch would be a very formidable candidate indeed.

And I think, even more importantly, Mitch would be a very effective president.

A lot of us have been waiting for Reagan, Part II. Both Bushes were duds, especially the kid, who spent money with both hands. Reagan himself had to subordinate domestic reform to winning the Cold War. Mitch has the potential to be Reagan II: The Revolution Begins Again. Except this time there is no USSR to worry about, and with a guy who is willing to get into the weeds on domestic programs and budgets and make the numbers work. (I loved Reagan, but let’s face it, he was incapable of bean counting.)

I keep hoping that the Barack and Nancy and Harry Variety Show, currently enjoying abysmal ratings, is about to be cancelled. Fingers crossed. People seem to be waking up. Even the hacks in the GOP, who just want to have their snouts in the trough in front of the Donks, are seeing that their days are numbered, and they have to change their ways or get new jobs.

The stars are shaping up into a very good configuration.

I suppose it is a little too early to put out a yard sign … .

Adam Andrzejewski

Adam Andrzejewski

Adam Andrzejewski is the only person running for the Republican nomination for Governor of Illinois who presents any hope of turning around the dire decline we are facing.

I had the pleasure of meeting Adam recently, and he confirmed the positive impression I got from his website. He is very smart, aware of the gravity of the problems facing Illinois, and has some concrete plans to change the way business is done here.

I was most impressed with his proposals to take on the culture of corruption that has made the once-great State of Illinois a national and even global joke.

Take a look at the issues pages on Adam’s site. Then compare the specifics he offers with, for example, the nonexistent proposals on Jim Ryan’s site, or the comparatively vague proposals of the long-time insider, and purported front-runner, Andy McKenna.

The insiders in both parties are so tightly wound in Illinois that they are referred to as “The Combine.” The GOP serves as nothing more than the junior partners in a combined Machine, and appears to have no principled differences whatsoever from the Democrats.

Adam’s candidacy presents a chance to move toward a genuine two-party political process in Illinois, and to start getting the financial mess under control.

Let me also address the cynical response that he “can’t win.” There is a large field, turnout will probably not be huge, and it won’t take much for one of the GOP candidates to pull ahead. So, vote for the best guy.

Plus, as Lech Walesa — an Adam supporter — put it: “Nobody gave us a chance to win over the communists. Nobody. And we proved them wrong.” The Combine can also be beaten.

Please take a look at Adam’s site if you are an Illinois voter.

Phil Troyer and the Class of 2010 Compact with America

My friend and law school classmate Phil Troyer is running for congress.

He is promising to fight for the principles embodied in a very solid-sounding Compact with America.

Phil apparently came up with this without even consulting our recent post on a Contract with America.

I won’t say great minds, necessarily … .

But a lot of us seem to be thinking alike.

Disclaimer for Eric Holder: No one paid me for this post, I get no benefit out of it, I have no affiliation with Phil’s campaign, he did not ask me to put it up and I have not told him yet, and I am exercising my core political speech under the First Amendment with this post. I hope that is still legal.

New! – Your Chicagoboyz Election Haiku

Early and often
Is no longer adequate.
Will Dems move rightward?


Barack Obama!
Double down, you clever guy.
We need more Scott Browns.


Scourge of Amiraults,
Martha was unappealing.
(The best they could do?)


(Feel free to add your own contribution in the comments.)

brown = change