Just sayin’

Does this mean Justice Breyer is now a mugged liberal?

Quote of the Day

I was going to vote republican, but since some bimbo with cleavage likes Obama, I have no choice but to discard my reasoned analysis and run with the herd. It’s the only intelligent thing to do.

-Commenter “Pizzullo” in Reply #10 to Politico’s article about “Obama Girl”

You Mean He Doesn’t Really Talk Like This?

A Revived Delight

I know that in Louisiana, they are trying to create a culinary demand for nutria, since the wretched beasts have outworn their welcome in the wetlands there. They were once imported from South America for their fur but I have no idea why American grey squirrels were inflicted upon Great Britain. You’d think they had enough problems of their own without adding imported, fluffy-tailed tree rats to them … maybe it was payback for that fool who wished America to have every critter mentioned in Shakespeare.

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The Miami Supermarket Parking Lot Chicken Heuristic

This is a new method for evaluating supermarkets. Instead of wasting time going into each store, comparing product selection, prices and so forth, we need only compare the quality of the stray chickens in the stores’ respective parking lots. You think I’m joking? See for yourself:

Publix parking lot chicken
Publix parking lot
  Costco parking lot chicken
Costco parking lot

The data predict that Costco will be the superior store, and this prediction is consistent with the evidence. Our model thus has a perfect predictive record.

We could be onto something big here. Do the global-warming people know about this?