“Is London’s future Islamic?”

Via Rand Simberg comes this essay by Michael Hodges.

I can’t tell if the Hodges piece is parody. If not, he reminds me of a leftist anti-Semitic high-school history teacher I had. He too used that “people of the book” line, to knock Christendom for being more hostile to Jews than Islam is and to explain away Muslim mistreatment of Jews.

In fact the Muslim record, particularly the recent Arab-Muslim record, only looks good in isolated cases or by comparison with the worst abuses of old Christendom. The modern Christian world is astonishingly tolerant by historical standards. Christian institutions have shrunk away from national government while radical Islam seeks to perpetuate Islam’s historical political totalism.

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Quote of the Day

Personally, I’d far prefer the Jews to be angry, aggressive and alive than meek, mild and dead[.]

Julie Burchill (RTWT) (Via Samizdata)

The New Old Anti-Semitism

An excellent essay by Mark Steyn.

(via DFME)