In early 2020, Joe Biden advised coal miners facing unemployment to learn to code, saying:
Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine can sure as hell learn to program as well… Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God’s sake!
I critiqued this ridiculousness in my post Shovel That Code. (Does Biden think that coal miners stoke furnaces?…That stoking furnaces is a big factor in today’s job market?)
Comes now Obama associate Rahm Emmanuel, with precisely the same advice to unemployed retail workers.
There’s going to be people, like at J.C. Penney and other retail [outlets]. Those jobs are not coming back. Give them the tools, six months, you’re going to become a computer coder. We’ll pay for it, and you’ll get millions of people to sign up for that.
There is not an infinite demand in the US for entry-level programmers. Much offshoring of programming work is taking place…see my post about telemigration…and automation of programming work, which has been happening since the introduction of assemblers and compilers in the mid-1950s, is ongoing.
In my post about Biden’s learn to code comment, I said:
Can you imagine what these people would do to the economy if they ever achieved the degree of power that they so avidly seek?
We may find out, although hopefully the Senate will provide some degree of sanity check.