
[ by Charles Cameron — cross-posted from Zenpundit ]

It’s riveting to follow the tweets on protests in Bahrain, Egypt, Libya or Iran on Mibazaar in real-time to be sure — but mash that capability up with the one Shloky found and Zen just mentioned with video…


As Zen says, I mean, “automatic face-recognition and social media aggregation raises serious concerns about the potential dangers of living under a panopticon state”.

Two dots, two data-points, two apps connected.

4 thoughts on “Pan<i>app</i>ticon”

  1. Reliable face-matching from online photos and videos is a matter of time and will have far-reaching consequences, probably not all of which can be foreseen.

  2. automatic face-recognition and social media aggregation raises serious concerns about the potential dangers of living under a panopticon state

    Yeah, that’s called living in a small town. Of course, we won’t have the emotional and economic interdependence feedback of small town.

    Or well we? Interesting times.

  3. Shannon:

    Or well we?

    Ah! [grin] It took me a few moments to get that, I guess I’m slow.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for what can be done (technically, philosophically, legislatively or personally) to avoid the Orwellian / Panopticon versions of the future?

  4. This can be used defensively as well as offensively.

    For example, if union goons surround your house or slash your tires, we will soon know who they are.

    Even if they’re wearing hoods, we can use gait recognition (paid for by the Ministry of Silly Walks). A few years from now we might be able to use odor as well.

    As a bonus, we will also be able to find runaway legislators … and anybody using Twitter to send death threats (there’s bound to be somebody that dumb).

    Hmmm… Right after the World-Trade-Center attack there were videos of people celebrating on the West Bank. Maybe the face-recognition software could be applied to them…

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