New Look for Zenpundit

Our co-blogger Zenpundit has re-jigged his “home base” blog –it looks most excellent.

Y’all should check it out from time to time.

Alas, Poor Yorick!

Little did he know that his last three fillets would end up in a Thanksgiving meal. And what a meal it was. I salute his memory.

Sole on ice.

And finally, a word of thanks to Dan from Madison, blogger and fishing guide extraordinaire, who made it all possible.

Happy Thanksgiving from me, too

Following Helen’s example, I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. Unlike Helen, I have no plans yet to import Thanksgiving into my country, unless I get to cancel Labor Day (the international edition on May 1st) in exchange.

Update: It seems that some people had to do without turkey.

The Small Wars Journal Hits The MSM Big Time

For any readers interested in Iraq, military affairs, fourth generation warfare, the liberal media and counterinsurgency:

The publisher and the editor-in-chief of the highly regarded Small Wars Journal, respectively Bill Nagl and Dave Dilegge, are doing a public Q&A at noon on Tuesday with the powerhouse The Washington Post. I imagine that Bill Arkin will be involved somewhere as well – but we can hope otherwise. ;o)

Read about the details at the SWJ BLog.

Submit YOUR questions here.

Cross-posted at Zenpundit.

Chicagoboyz Forum

There have been signs of life in our discussion forum, which had been dormant for a while. Please note that the forum is very much still functioning and that anyone who wants to start or add to a discussion there is encouraged to do so.

Commenter Jose Angel has just posted some typically thoughtful comments about a journal article, that might serve as the nucleus of a new discussion.