canned gold

After Janet Yellen’s latest press conference Chicagoboyz plunge heavily in canned kipper snacks and other hard assets.

New! – Your Brave New World Haikus

Local elections
Lots of bad referenda
Of course they all pass


Ammo at Walmart
Queueing up, three box limit
Things were better once


NSA listens
Who the hell knows what they’ve got
We’re all wondering


Your student loan debt
Makes you unmarriageable
Might as well be gay

New! – Your kayaking news of the day

SYDNEY (AP) – Australian police seized about 180 million Australian dollars ($162 million) worth of methamphetamine hidden inside kayaks shipped from China, officials said Wednesday.

Love the headline!

In Light of This Development …

Covered here, at length, I am certain that New Mexico, or at the very least, the Hidalgo County PD needs a new motto. This takes ‘search and seizure to whole new levels. I’ve seen this story linked on a couple of different independent blogs, but now it goes to a whole new level of ‘WTF?’

Read more

Chicagoboyz Enjoy the Great Outdoors


Digital camera drying off by the campfire.