State Failure 2.0

In the esoteric world of defense intellectuals, one of the sharpest points of contention between Thomas P.M. Barnett and John Robb is over the feasibility of Tom’s System Administration concept. This issue has been the topic of numerous posts and the occasional rhetorical jab between the two strategic theorists. This pattern repeats itself, in my view, for a number of reasons. First, even friendly professional rivalry causes a natural bumping of heads; secondly, Robb looks at a system and thinks how it can be made to fall apart while Barnett looks at the same system and imagines how the pieces can be reintegrated. Third, no one really has all the answers yet on why some states fail relatively easily while others prove resilient in the face of horrific stress.

Robb contends that Global Guerillas can potentially keep a state in permanent failure, despite the best efforts of System Administration intervention to the contrary. A new level of systemic collapse, call it State Failure 2.0, where failure constitutes a self-sustaining dynamic. Broadly defined, you would chalk up ” wins” for Robb’s point of view in Somalia, Iraq and the Congo. In Dr. Barnett’s column you would find Germany, Japan, Cambodia, East Timor and Sierra Leone in evidence for the efficacy of Sys Admin work. Lebanon and Afghanistan perhaps could be described as a nation-building draw at this point in time.

Why permanent failure in some cases but not others ? This is something that long puzzled me. Then today, I read an intriguing pair of posts at Paul Hartzog’s blog – ” Ernesto Laclau and the Persistence of Panarchy” and ” Complexity and Collapse“. An excerpt from the first post:

Ernesto Laclau was here @ UMich and gave a delightful talk that gave me some key insights into the long-term stability of panarchy.

…However, with the new heterogeneity of global social movements, Laclau makes the point that as the state-system declines, there is no possibility of the emergence of a new state-like form because the diverse multitude possesses no single criterion of difference around which a new state could crystallize.

Thus, there is no possibility of a state which could satisfy the heterogenous values of the diverse multitude. What is significant here is that according to this logic, once panarchy arrives, it can never coalesce into some new stable unified entity.

In other words, panarchy is autopoietic as is. As new criteria of difference emerge and vanish, the complex un-whole that is panarchy will never rigidify into something that can be opposed, i.e. it will never become a new hegemony. “

While I think Paul is incorrect on the ultimate conclusion – that panarchy is a steady-state system for society – I think he has accurately described why a state may remain ” stuck” in failure for a considerable period of time as we reckon it. Moreover, it was a familiar scenario to me, being reminiscient of the permanent failure experienced by the global economy during the Great Depression. Yet some states pulled themselves out of the Depression, locally and temporarily, with extreme state intervention while the system itself did not recover until after WWII with the opposite policy – steady liberalization of international trade and de-regulation of markets that became known as globalization.

The lesson from that economic analogy might be that reviving completely failed states might first require a ” clearing of the board” of local opposition – defeated Germany and Japan, Cambodia, Sierra Leone and East Timor were completely devastated countries that had to begin societal reconstruction at only slightly better than ground zero. Somalia, Afghanistan, Congo, Iraq, and Lebanon all contain robust subnational networks that create high levels of friction that work against System Administration. At times, international aid simply helps sustain the dysfunctional actors as a countervailing force.

System Administration as a cure for helping connect Gap states might be akin to government fiscal and monetary policy intervention in the economy; it may work best with the easiest and the worst-off cases where there is either a functional and legitimate local government to act as a partner or where there is no government to get in the way and the warring factions are exhausted.

The dangerous middle ground of partially failed states is the real sticking point.

Cross-posted at Zenpundit

Trouble Brewing

I have written before about something that fills me with a profound sense of unease. Armed members of the Mexican Army routinely violate our borders, apparently acting as hired gunmen for gangs of drug smugglers.

The latest happened just a few days ago. Two members of our National Guard directly observed six armed men wearing strange uniforms on our side of the border.

Consul-at-Arms asks a good question. Why in the world are our National Guardsmen serving unarmed on the border?

There is no way for me to know. Maybe the powers-that-be don’t want our troops to, you know, shoot some invading members of a foreign military? Because that would be my first guess.

Should we allow the Guard to be armed while on the border? That all depends on whether or not you think it is a good idea to keep corrupt foreign military units and their murderous drug smuggling paymasters on their side.

(Hat tip to Bear Creek Ledger.)

Faulkner Knew Leaks

Twentieth century novelists and then twentieth century critics became quite interested in the narrator’s point of view – surely from whose point of view we see, say, Lolita is important. When Benjy, whose mind is that of a toddler, tells us one section of The Sound and the Fury, we know Faulkner is going to be limited in the commentary that his narrator is (realistically) capable of providing. These are artistic choices and we see them forming the stories. Huck Finn‘s strength comes from the limitations Twain embraced – he has to show us rather than “tell” us much because his narrator, even though he matures in interesting ways, is naive.

Given this, why does the press think the public has no interest in knowing whose point of view is structuring a reporter’s narrative about someone or other’s malfeasance or mere incompetence? We know from some other angle this may well seem someone else’s (the leaker’s?) responsibility. We also realize that within a bureaucracy many a person is passed over for promotion or engages in turf building that puts his ambitions at odd with another’s. We assume leakers are not evil, but we also assume they are human. Light is a good disinfectant.

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Just Another Country

Via Blogdex, we find U.S. Deploys Slide Show to Press Case Against Iran, which may leave you wondering if we’ve been sleepwalking toward disaster for the past four years:

The presentation, conducted in a conference room at the U.S. mission in Vienna, includes a pictorial comparison of Iranian facilities and missiles with photos of similar-looking items in North Korea and Pakistan, according to a copy of the slides handed out to diplomats. Pakistan largely supplied Iran with its nuclear infrastructure but, as a key U.S. ally, it is identified in the presentation only as “another country.”

Just another country … whose ISI enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with the Taliban, if it did not actually create the Taliban; where Islamists rule two out of four provinces, including North-West Frontier, where in all likelihood both Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar have obtained refuge; and which has transferred nuclear technology to a sworn enemy of the United States. Just another country …

The Case For Letting Illegal Immigrants Have Driving Licenses

Here’s a well reasoned argument.

(via Bruce Schneier)