Tea for Texas


In the spring of 2009, I was asked by an old military blog-friend, a retired Air Force officer, if I would join his local Tea Party Committee to plan the Tax Day protest. We all assumed at that point that we would have an event involving five or six hundred people; with luck, we might even nab of bit of attention from our local media. We’d do it in a park someplace, listen to some speeches and hey, I was a former broadcaster, and he knew that I could write, and could I come along to write news releases?  Pretty please? S’help me, that’s all that I thought it would be, and it would have been, save for a series of fortunate involvement by people who had bigger ideas and useful connections. So, our simple, humble home-made Tax Day 2009 Tea Party protest turned into a massive blow-out in Alamo Plaza, an all-day and into the evening extravaganza with Ted Nugent, at least 15,000 people from all over Texas and the United States, and Glenn Beck of whom at that point I had never heard. (Candidly, I had him mixed up with Jeff Beck and thought; oh, cool another conservative rock musician besides Ted Nugent.)

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Hi There…

I guess I am now an honorary Chicago Boy … although I have never ever actually been to Chicago, and a quick glance in the mirror confirms that I am, in fact, of the female persuasion. Lex and Johnathan invited me, I guess since I have been commenting for a while, and am relatively sane and well-balanced for having been a blogger since 2002. (Yikes … time does fly when you are having fun.)

I’ve blogged in a couple of places, and focused on a number of things, over the years: as a mil-blogger, here … as a novelist, here and here … and even on Open Salon, where I posted a short lesson in Terrorism, Tea Parties and Hobbits, for the edification of the perplexed. The Boyz asked for a link, in my first post — so happy to oblige!

I also do photo-blogging, and I can see I will have to look around for some pictures of cows.