Good Idea, Wrong Place to Advertise It

This morning on the radio I heard a promotional advertisement for Feed the Pig.   I have heard things about this site before and decided to check it out.   It is outstanding.   They have calendars so you can see ways to save money throughout the year, and there are  many tips on how to pinch pennies.

Basically the concept is to teach people how to save, knock down their debt, and generally help them to not waste money  (things that many modern day Americans are horrible at).   I can’t really see a downside to this.   The site is sponsored by the American Institute of CPAs.   I am not sure why they put up the site, but I wholeheartedly support it.

I give the site a big thumbs up, but think I will give their choice of advertising venues a small thumbs down.   I was reminded this morning of  Feed the Pig  while listening to Bloomberg Radio on XM  on the way in to work, getting my business news for the day.  

**Quick aside:   I have three choices of business news to pick from on XM:   Fox Business, CNBC and Bloomberg.   I choose Bloomberg because it is just the facts, with interviews sprinkled in – and the interviews are with interesting and smart people.   In addition, the interviews are always respectful and low key even if people are disagreeing, unlike some of the other places where there are a bunch of idiots yelling and screaming at each other.   In other words, Bloomberg Radio seems more professional to me.**

I really don’t think that anyone who seeks out Bloomberg Radio doesn’t understand the simple concepts of saving and debt that Feed the Pig is trying to teach.   I just think that these are wasted advertising dollars.   A better target IMHO  would be radio stations, magazines  or TV networks that reach places where the people are perhaps not educated or are  unaware of the concepts that Feed the Pig is educating people on.

It is almost like putting ads up for scrap booking during an NFL football game.   Not the right demographic.

Cross posted at LITGM.

No Parking

My friend Nathan and I differ greatly in our perspective of how and when film crews ought to be allowed to close off parking in the maze that is Manhattan’s Chinatown. You can catch some of our debate here and here.

What it comes down to for me, as a libertarian, is that the film studios are using the coercive power of the state to force (see if the police won’t clear away any protests before you object to my use of the word “force”, especially if the protestor is a lone businessman) the neighborhood into accepting something that will benefit the private film company, and a minority of the businesses there. The difference from the Suzette Kelo case is only a matter of degree.

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Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Drug Abuse is Bad. The Drug War is Worse!







Tony Ryan,  Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, writes: “LEAP’s first ever billboard now showing at 108th and I street in Omaha,  NE.  It is up high, where many can see it, and it shows a new website for us which we can use to measure response and effectiveness.”

Cross-posted at the Explorers Foundation blog [link].

Mug Half Empty, But It’s Also Half Full

Belmont Club links to the following news story:

The British military expressed cautious optimism at the progress. Major Tom Holloway, a spokesman, said: “The Iraqi security forces have made a real difference; this is going to be a long operation by its nature. However, rule of law is returning to the streets.”

Perseverance pays off and long operations require a core optimism. But perhaps it’s all nurtured by a bit of black humor, a bit of irony. After all, WWII was won by people who invented the term SNAFU. So, here’s some merchandising – the question is, does it toughen us or lead us to despair or, well, merely, make us smile? Whatever – I want that mug. There may well be a providential order, but today things look screwed.

And, longer term, perseverance isn’t just a trait, it’s a duty. And so Wretchard follows that story with this one by Wretchard.