Computation and Reality

Present-day computers are remarkably fast…a garden-variety laptop can do over a billion basic operations (additions, multiplications, etc) every second. The machine on which you are reading this can do more calculating, if you ask it nicely, than the entire population of the United States. And supercomputers are available which are much faster.

Yet there are important problems for which all this computational capacity is completely inadequate. In their book Natural Computing, Dennis Shasha and Cathy Lazere describe the calculations necessary for the analysis of protein folding…which is important in biological research and particularly in drug design. Time must be divided into very short intervals of around one femtosecond, which is a million billionth of a second, and for each interval, the interactions of all the atoms involved in the process must be calculated. Then do it again for the next femtosecond, and the next, and the next…

To perform this calculation for one millisecond of real time (which is apparently a biologically-interesting interval) would require 100,000 years on a conventional computer.

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Plastic, Is There Nothing It Can’t Do?

Wow, cheap, low-tech water sterilizers from disposable plastic bottles.

Better yet, it was discovered by locals instead of rich Westerners riding in on their white horse to save the poor little brown people.

In case you’re wondering, no, you can’t do this with glass bottles because glass is opaque to UV light. (Which is why you can ride in a car without getting a sunburn.)

This would be a good technique to tuck away in your mental “just in case” file. If the fecal matter ever does impact the ventilation impeller, you could save lives by remembering that you can sterilize water with a transparent plastic bottle and a sheet of aluminum foil.

Nine Years versus Nine Months

After nine years of litigation and regulatory maneuvering, the Secretary of the Interior has given the approval for construction of the Cape Wind offshore power-generation facility. (Well, sort of…there are still a few more regulatory hurdles to clear before any actual wind turbines can be erected.)

Nine years is a long time, and it’s worthwhile to look at what Americans have been able to do in that amount of time…and in much shorter amounts of time…in other periods of our history.

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The Creation, Making Time (live) (1966)

More Vintage Mod Era Grooviness.

The guitar player from The Creation was the first guy to use a violin bow on an electric guitar. Jimmy Page copied it from him.

These guys were produced by Shel Talmy, who also produced The Kinks and The Who. Too bad they didn’t make it big, too. Wow: Talmy is still working, which is very cool. I would like to shake that man’s hand. How much unalloyed happiness did he help to create? Plus, he’s from Chicago, so he’s one of the Boyz.

(YouTube is the greatest thing ever. I have been devoted to this kind of music since I was about 15 years old, and I had heard of this group but never heard this song before. And now I can see an actual live performance by these guys, from the Golden Age itself, as if by magic, available on demand, for free … even on my phone? Whoa. We truly live in The Jetsons Age of totally crazy, knock-me-out coolness. I just wanted to register this note of happiness, and step back, and not take all this insane greatness for granted for a minute. Really, if you told people fifteen years ago about what we would have at our fingertips today they’d have said you were on drugs. I would not live in any other time or place for anything.)

The Myth of “Natural” Resources

Okay, I know what they are trying to say but this Popular Mechanics headline [h/t Instapundit] made me laugh:

Bioengineers Turn Trees into Tires
Billions of gallons of oil are used worldwide every year to manufacture tires. Bioengineers are developing a plant-based substitute that could replace some of that oil within five years.

Hmmm, aren’t rubber trees, well, trees? I think it humorous that we started out making tires from trees but then so successfully and overwhelmingly switched to synthetic rubber that we now find the idea of making rubber from plant materials exciting and revolutionary.

This article demonstrates several different important facets of the policy debates about the environment and natural resources. For one thing, it reminds us that Reagan was right and the leftists wrong when he said that pollution comes mainly from trees. (Back in the ’80s, the EPA passed sweeping restrictions on isoprene and other compounds because of their role in generating smog. Reagan pointed out the inconvenient truth that 80% of the isoprene in the air over cities came from emissions from trees.)

The major thing it reminds us of, however, is that a major flaw exists in our debates over how we obtain and use natural resources.

The major flaw? It’s simple. There is no such thing as “natural” resources. When we debate over how to manage our “natural” resources, we’re engaging in a debate as delusional as heated arguments over the management of our unicorn ranches.

Even worse, its like using our delusion about unicorns as a pretext to kill people.

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