Cargo Ships at Sunrise

Cargo ships waiting to dock in the pre-dawn twilight off Miami Beach. (Copyright 2011 Jonathan Gewirtz



Today, June 6, is the 68th anniversary of the Normandy landings. See the Wikipedia article for an overview. 

Arthur Seltzer, who was there, describes his experiences.

Don Sensing points out that success was by no means assured: the pivot day of history.

Two earlier Photon Courier posts: before D-day, there was Dieppe and transmission ends.

Pictures from Sarah’s 1999 trip to Normandy.

Neptunus LexThe liberation of France started when each, individual man on those landing craft as the ramp came down each paratroop in his transport when the light turned green made the individual decision to step off with the only life he had and face the fire.

Neptunus Lex also wrote about the Battle of Midway, which took place from June 4 through June 7, 1942. See also his post from 2010 about this battle.

Wisconsin / Stalingrad

Mr. Walker’s victory is the Stalingrad of the Left.

They sought this recall election.

They chose to fight here.

They made it into a symbol and a do-or-die fight.

They threw everything they had into it.

And they lost it all.

Hubris led to Nemesis, to catastrophe.

The tide has turned.

On to Kursk.

On to Berlin.

On to November.

“Do readers of liberal and conservative blogs live in two different countries?” (Part III)

(Earlier posts in this series are here and here.)

Here’s another graphic based on data from the survey run by BlogAds click here to see their discussion) that I discussed in my earlier posts:

BlogAds blog-reader survey results 3

The differences in opinion between the self-identified liberals and conservatives aren’t surprising but the magnitudes of the differences are.

I suggested to the BlogAds representative who told me about the survey that BlogAds should make the data set publicly available. We’ll see if they do, though it may be that most of the meaningful information is already shown in the graphics that BlogAds has provided.

(Chicago Boyz is a BlogAds affiliate.)