
The Dutch government is buying out certain farmers, paying them above market value (it sounds like the implication is that if they don’t sell, they will eventually be expropriated)…with the proviso that they will be banned forever from doing the same kind of farming anywhere in the EU.

Economically destructive…destructive of the food supply and of individual choice…destructive of knowledge accumulated over centuries.

In what sense should the EU still be considered part of the Free World?

Whatever happened to FEE’s Fresh States Project?

Here’s the original mention of Glenn Reynold’s using Fresh States to implement his Welcome Wagon project in Instapundit.

Here’s the most recent live page grab in the Internet Wayback Machine.

The current website yields 404 page not found at time of writing.

FEE’s search engine doesn’t yield any relevant results for either fresh start or welcome wagon.

Has this morphed into something else or should I go live with something less likely to die on the vine?


Not much to do with the title of this post, save that when I began writing it, the local classical station is playing Bela Bartok’s version of three Romanian folk dances. I was reflecting on how much fun it was, two weekends ago, to be with my books at the Folkfest in New Braunfels to sit under the trees by the white building that houses the museum of hand-crafted furniture, listening to the music from the pavilion across the way … everything from traditional German songs, to country-western, and covers of rock music by a local teenage band. There were animals on display a whole farmyard of them, and a pair of camels, as well. Reenactors came and went, demonstrating their craft, and their mastery of black-powder gun and cannon-fire, as well as simply astounding displays of bladed weaponry. It was all very reassuring, watching the families, the parade of children in costumes on Sunday afternoon, led by an accordion player in lederhosen and an honor guard of Scouts with flags. The children’s masquerade march was a custom first established by the schoolmaster of New Braunfels’ public school more than a hundred and sixty years ago. Life goes on in the Shire, from day to day; much has it always has done.

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