Based on having received numerous comments like this one over the years, I think a disclaimer for this blog would be a good idea. Here is Lex’s proposal:
A disclaimer for all humorless readers. The name of this blog is a joke. Some of us went to the U. of C. None of us have PhDs from the Econ Department. None of us even went to the Graduate School of Business. We have no connection, official or otherwise, with the “Chicago School of Economics”, other than agreeing with the policy positions associated with it as we understand them, and generally thinking that capitalism is good and groovy. No, we cannot understand all the math either. We assume no responsibly for the Chicago School of Economics, and it has no responsibility for us, which is how we both like it. We assume no duty to promote, support or agree with any position attributed to the Chicago School of Economics as interpreted by anybody. None of us will ever get a Nobel Prize in anything.
I think the line about Nobel Prizes is a bit harsh, since I am pretty sure that Shannon will eventually win one, but otherwise I like it.