Lifes Rich Pageant 25 Year Anniversary

I blogged a bit ago about how much the album Lifes Rich Pageant affected me as a young college student. It may help readers to review that post before you go forward with this one. It was sort of like I was holding a meteor or other object that I simply couldn’t identify – I was listening to it and wondering what I had been doing listening to so much crap over the years. The album just took me places I had never been musically and I never looked back from there.

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The Art of the Remake III

It’s Only Rock n’ Roll (But I Like It).

A rock solid Stones nugget we all know so well we could sing it in our sleep.

But then Juliana Hatfield takes it to a sad, sweet, girly place that none of us, not even Mick Jagger, ever knew existed before.

Dan’s standard: “If you are going to cover a song, rip it apart a bit and make it your own.” Juliana did it.

The original of course, is a timeless bit of Chuck-Berryish swagger:

The world is a better place for having both.


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Screeching Weasel, Cool Kids (1997)

It’s a real cool club and you’re not part of it.

The Tree of Life

Warning: spoilers, I guess, though with a film like this it’s hard to give anything away so as to really detract from the experience. Maybe a few autobiographical spoilers of my own.

Having only seen it once so far, I am aware of having gotten at most glimpses of its full intent. I cannot easily describe Terrence Malick’s oeuvre except in superficial ways: mostly out-of-doors, with nature as a significant element; spectacular cinematography; more or less nonlinear storyline; voice-over narrations. I have not seen Badlands but have seen everything from Days of Heaven on.

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Bald Cow Live July 15, 2011 Chicago

I am told we will be playing at 9:00 p.m. (going on first and early since we are old and our friends are also old) at Gallery Cabaret in Bucktown. I am troubled to see we are not shown on the calendar … . Details to follow as I get that clarified. (The drink specials that night are Jever Pilsener and Huber Bock, both $3 bottles. )

Four songs recorded in 1989 here. We will be dragging out these old warhorses, for sure. We will be adding one new cover to the set: Who Will Save Rock’N’Roll? I wish Handsome Dick Manitoba could be there with us, physically, not just in spirit.