Gadsden 2012 Stuff Now Available!

Liberty Jane left a comment saying you can now get 2012 Rattlesnake stuff, which she was up into the wee hours putting together. Mighty fist bump to her for jumping on this so fast.

The link is here.

The stuff looks cool.

Here is a nice bumper sticker.

(I ordered one, and I will report on the service and quality.)

I look forward to other people working with this image, or variants including words, etc.

Disclaimer. Neither I nor the ChicagoBoyz blog get any money from any sale of Liberty Jane’s stuff. We are not partners or professionally associated in any way. I don’t know her and I never heard of her until she left her comments here.

Bleg: How to Turn the Rattlesnake Logo into Real Stuff

We got a nice response to my initial bleg to make a logo that is a hack of the Obama reelection logo, including an instalink.

Ambisinistral came through with some good versions of it, which I posted here and also here. We may also have a few more suggestions coming along, which I will post.

In the comments to the foregoing posts, people have expressed an interest in having bumper stickers, and have proposed various tweaks and variations, including color changes and text.

Bottom line, I am not in a position to manufacture the thing myself. Instead I hereby request that our readers leave comments suggesting ways to turn these images, or similar ones further hacked to your own liking, into real, existing bumper stickers, t-shirts, or what have you. If there is some vendor you have used, or some service that will make them, please let me know. I will do a further post listing them all.

In the meantime, please feel free to put these images on your websites, blogs, Facebook pages, email footers, etc.

We cannot let the Obama team dominate the memetic / visual space for the next year until the GOP has its own candidate. They are in full campaign mode. By swamping people in Obama images they can create a sense of inevitability.

UPDATE: Gadsden 2012 Stuff Now Available!

Obama Logo Hacked! Rattlesnake Logo Launched!


Please spread this widely. I am already seeing the Obama 2012 logo all over the place. We need to counteract it with our own powerful memetic superweapons.

(In this post I asked for a hack of the Obama poster, and “ambisinistral” from Flares into Darkness sent several versions. Thanks, dude. You da man. See also three other versions below the fold. I like the one above best.)

UPDATE: This is the new and improved version.

UPDATE II: (Please note bleg to turn this into real stuff.)

UPDATE III: Gadsden 2012 Stuff Now Available!

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Bleg for a Hack of the Obama 2012 Logo

I was at a very interesting meeting today, of local Democrats getting organized to reelect Obama in 2012. I sat in and mostly listened. Bottom line, they are energized, but kinda bummed about the whole rotten economy and no jobs thing. They have an impressively large number of people already committed to working hard to reelect Obama, a year and a half before the election.

One thing I am noticing is that there are already lots of Obama 2012 bumper stickers, t-shirts, and posters all over the place, with this image. While I was at the meeting I got an Obama poster and I was thinking of a way to hack it to serve our own purposes.

I am hereby requesting that someone with awesome skilz make a version of the Obama logo but changed in the following ways. (1) take out the text; (2) make the blue background red; (3) take out the current zero with the Obama logo, and replace it with a yellow circle with the Gadsen Flag Rattlesnake. Keep the white border and the same typeface so it is clearly a satire of the Obama image.

Below the fold is my scissors version to get an idea of what I mean by (3), but the zero should be yellow with a black snake and a green branch underneath, like the typical Gadsden flag.

The idea here is to create an image that is in opposition to Obama’s reelection, that draws on Tea Party imagery, and the GOP “color” but is not associated with any candidate, since we don’t have one yet. Plus, the rattlesnake is directed against not just Obama, not just the Democrats, but against go-along-to-get-along Republicans as well. The total absence of text allows it to assume a range of meanings.

I think it is important to start getting countervailing images out so that Obama and his supporters do not have all the visual space for the next year before a GOP candidate is selected.

If anyone does make this, please send us a link or an email via the blog.

UPDATE: (Please note bleg to turn this into real stuff.)

UPDATE II: Gadsden 2012 Stuff Now Available!

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