Margaret Ball suggests that the real issue identified by the Trump-Ukraine transcript is the pain that was imposed on the translator who had to translate Trump’s words…which at least appear to be pretty much stream-of-consciousness…into Ukrainian! Plentiful vodka, she says, was surely required to recover from the experience.
It strikes me that a profession is kind of like a language, as is a social milieu. Many of those who find President Trump offensive, I suspect, find it jarring and inappropriate that he doesn’t speak in the forms that they would normally expect from one in his position, and they find that translating his speech to their accustomed verbal frames of reference to be as difficult and disorienting as the Ukrainian translator likely found Trump’s communication in English to be.
Not only is Trump’s style of speech off-putting to many, so is his mode of thought. Most national journalists, academics, and “public intellectuals” are deductive thinkers, who need to put everything into a framework that they have adopted. Trump, on the other hand, is largely an inductive, intuitive, and pattern-recognizing thinker. Years ago, I found The Art of the Deal to be a somewhat frustrating read, despite my strong professional interest in the topic. I am a more deductive thinker and communicator than Trump…but I have enough of the inductive/intuitive/pattern-recognizing mode to be able to understand and appreciate what Trump is doing. Most of the journalists, academics, and “public intellectuals” do not.
Some types of people also find it disconcerting when people attain their positions in any manner other than the conventionally-approved course. Here’s Andy Kessler, writing in the WSJ a few days ago about his time at Morgan Stanley:
““What year were you?” a colleague asked me years ago. “Huh? Year?” I replied. “What year at HBS?” H-B-what? “What year did you graduate from Harvard Business School?” Oh, I get it now. “I didn’t go to HBS,” I told him. “Actually, I don’t have an M.B.A.” After a long pause and scrunched-up face, he asked, “Well, then how the hell did you get a job here?” As I walked away, I murmured under my breath, “Maybe I earned it.””
This also…the negative feeling about somebody who didn’t get there in the way one is supposed to get there…also plays a role in hostile attitudes toward Trump.