Worthwhile Reading

David Brooks argues that the crime wave of the 1970s has had a long-term effect on the American psyche, and especially on parenting. (via FFOF)

Victor Davis Hanson reflects on small-town America.

Paul Levy describes redesign of the pharmacy in the hospital he runs, making use of Lean principles, including mock-ups and heavy participation from those who will be using the new space. (via Lean Blog)

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“Why Is That Gargoyle Smiling?”

Since we seem to have quite a few poetry lovers here…check out this unlikely and beautiful poem by Jeff Sypeck.

Post-Implementation Audit Review

yes, it smelled good

of the rendezvous, that is. PIAR Items:

Issue 1

  • Description: Overcorrected for anticipated too-early arrival time.
  • Area of Improvement: Change Management
  • Root Cause: Assumed functional highway network. Ha!
  • Mitigation: Allow 2x as much time if going anywhere on the Edens or the Kennedy.

Issue 2

  • Description: Initially parked in wrong garage.
  • Area of Improvement: Documentation
  • Root Cause: Didn’t ask hotel operator for detailed instructions.
  • Mitigation: Ask next time.

Issue 3

  • Description: Missed rendezvous with Carl.
  • Area of Improvement: Communication
  • Root Cause: Didn’t check comments on planning post after early Saturday morning.
  • Mitigation: Graze (Midwesterners don’t surf) through the blog at T-2 hours. Exchange mobile phone numbers. Buy Carl a plate of barbecue.

Issue 4

  • Description: Wore Bill out walking too far.
  • Area of Improvement: Planning
  • Root Cause: Unduly elaborate itinerary.
  • Mitigation: Traveling-salesman algorithm; taxicabs (implemented).

Issue 5

  • Description: Appeared drab and uninteresting by comparison with other attendees.
  • Area of Improvement: Work Error (1959-present)
  • Root Cause: Couldn’t keep up with Bill’s knowledge of Chicago goings-on and economy/tax issues or Tatyana’s tales of camping trips on river islands in Siberia and eye for architectural/design details.
  • Mitigation: Surround self with boring friends, or just get a lot more people to show up next time so I can revert to lurk mode.

Best Practices (I did do some things right)

* yep, swiped it from Stephen Green, who I’m pretty sure swiped it from this

Chicago Or Dubai?

Any architecture buff can tell you about the historical firsts for the city of Chicago. The “Chicago School” of architecture included famous buildings like the Monadnock building, one of the tallest masonry structures in the country, and the Auditorium Theater.

In the popular imagination the Sears Tower, which reigned as the tallest building in the world, and the John Hancock building, with its “X” style external beams, are iconic to the city. The Aon Building, formerly the Amoco Building, is a 90 plus story white classical tower, and the Smurfit-Stone building, with its angular (not quite matching) slanted glass roof.

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