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Worthwhile Reading & Viewing

Use of mechanical tools may improve language skills.

The logistics crisis as an introduction to concentration risk.

Thousands of Chinese photographs saved from recycling.

The Two Countercultures.

Green shoots for nuclear energy–in the EU?

Why the ‘woke’ won’t debate.

Teams solve problems faster when they are more cognitively diverse.

The psychological and social costs of the college admissions game and the college treadmill.


Christmas in Texas



Yesterday in Courthouse Square, Goliad, Texas

Excited Small Child:  “It’s Santa Claus and his reindeer!”

Local Photographer: “No, sweetie,   it’s Santa and his reinsteer!

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At The Zoo

When we visited the San Antonio Zoo this weekend (because military   and veterans get in free, all during November) we discovered that the zoo has a pair of bald eagles, which they are rehabilitating. They have a nice little enclosure with an American-looking shed with a flag out in front. One of the eagles struck a heroic pose on the perch in front of the hut; we suspect the bird is a complete and total ham for attention.


(More pictures of critters taken yesterday on my cellphone here)