The Way We Watch Now

The Hollywood-based entertainment industry appears to have written off most of America in Flyoverlandia (according to this post) as hopelessly unwoke, racist and dumber than dirt, in their untiring efforts to embody the soul of Woke in their various offerings. Apparently, they believe in an audience just waiting uncritically out here; An audience intellectually gape-mouthed like baby birds just waiting to swallow whatever gets dropped into them. In pursuit of that goal, according to the same article, they have made their own professional hellscape, what with the growing fear that one wrong word, tweet or visual will make them the unemployable target of their peers, in the grand scramble for achieving ultimate wokery by scapegoating each other. Couldn’t happen to a nicer lot of vicious, vacuous, jerks, hypocrites, and pedophiles … even as the audience for movies released in theaters drops through the floor, and the most-watched continuing streaming video drama is one which has done so practically unnoticed by the mainstream news and entertainment media.

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Making It Hard/Impossible

Email I read today from an industry HR person. It is pretty difficult right now negotiating the local, state, and federal ever moving goalposts on workplace safety.

This whole thing and lack of consistency are insane. It goes from one extreme to the other: if you’ve been exposed and not symptomatic, come to work, wear a mask. If you’re a healthcare worker in CA, fine to come in if you are positive and asymptomatic. Oh, wait, if you’re positive, you can’t come to work, even if asymptotic if you are not a healthcare worker or work in any other state. You don’t have to wear a mask if everyone in your area is vaxed. Wait, we can’t disclose status due to HIPPA, so everyone should mask. Plus, even if you’re vaxed, you can still transmit it, so you should mask. Oh, actually, if you are asymptomatic and positive and mask, you probably can’t transmit it, so you’ll be ok to work in the hospital in NY soon. The messaging is so mixed. Depends on where you are reading the info and what day it is.

CTU Illegal Strikes

The Chicago Teachers Union. Is there an organization more worthy of scorn and ridicule? Hard to say.

I will say this. Coming from someone who owns a business that is determined essential infrastructure, I have little no sympathy for these walkouts illegal strikes.

When all of the teachers agree not to go to a grocery store, have their heating and air conditioning maintained, fly, or basically do anything not in their domicile, then we can talk.

Until then, all of us “essentials” who have been working through this thing from day one don’t really have any time for this temper tantrum.

I truly feel sorry for the parents of Chicago Public Schools kids who don’t know from day to day if their kids have school.

In the bigger picture, I feel sorry for those parents if they don’t have any choice but to send their kids to the Chicago Public Schools. But that is certainly grist for another post.