Oh, Frivolus Me!

I decided to break my media fast and start trying to find out what has been going on in the world the last couple of weeks so I clicked over to Instapundit only to be greeted by a completely frivolous picture of a mushroom that Glenn took.

This is clearly a sign from gods of the Blogsphere that I continue my vacation from reality. As I am deeply religious when it is to my advantage to be so, I am going to follow this omen.

Look! Grass on the lawn! Isn’t this a wonderful world?

Blissfully Inattentive

A chronic illness of mine trapped me inside for the last few months where I nearly obsessively followed every minutia of the news via the Internet. Now my health has improved in sync with a run of fair weather, so I have spent the last two weeks virtually wallowing in outdoor activities like yard work and organizing my garage. (Yes, I have reached that point in life where such activities are strangely comforting.) At the same time I entered a pact with my son not to watch any TV for a while.

As a result of this confluence of events I haven’t read a blog, news site, newspaper or watched TV in nearly three weeks and I am as happy as a clam. I heard some distant whispers that some Congressmen has done something or the other but I don’t know the details and I don’t, at the moment, care.

This is not to say that I haven’t been mentally active. I have been designing tool stands and a new kind of clamp, writing some software, and repairing electronic stuff all the while listening to podcast university lectures on pathophysiology.

I have just been ignoring anything political. I think it’s good to take a break from the day-to-day stream-of-consciousness news cycle we find ourselves saturated in, and spend some time just concentrating on little things of no broad import. If a vacation is largely a state of mind then I am on one. The world will just have to struggle along without my insightful commentary (or even bare attention) for the next few days.

You can comment if you want but I probably won’t answer. I’m going to figure out precisely how I am going to anchor a halogen work light with a bucket of sand.