New! – Your Ironic Middle-Aged Haikus of the Day

Returned rental car
They tried to charge extra hours
Not what they quoted


Your doctor’s office
Miscoded the procedure
Insurance won’t pay


Modern vampire tales
Even square beta guys know
It’s porn for teen girls


Once upon a time
We laughed at denture glue ads
Sadly, no longer

Smoking Kills

Seen in France a couple of weeks ago.

Head for the Hills!

short bus excursion

Like a finely honed machine, Chicagoboyz contingency training never stops. This video demonstrates implementation of latest high-precision zombie invasion evacuation plan.

The elephant in the room.

The Chicago Teachers Union president is lashing out at the villains in the school mess.

“When are we going to address the elephant in the room?

Say What ???

“When will we address the fact that rich, white people, think they know what’s in the best interest of children of African Americans and Latinos—no matter what the parent’s income or education level,” she said, according to

Oh. That elephant !!!

How about this one ?

What is it with these union bosses ?