Cable news…past and future
The Golden Age of Substack. Basically, a revitalization of long-form blogging.
Earth Day as a formal religious holiday? (It strikes me that this fits right in with energy secretary Granholm’s call for electrification of all military vehicles by 2030. This is so disconnected from any military or technical rationale that it can only be religiously motivated)
Absence of maternal warmth in childhood has some serious long-term implications.
The Golden age of Aerospace:
Aerospace is one of the deepest branches of humanity’s technological tree. It is a telling fact that more countries have produced a nuclear bomb than mass-produced a jet engine. Recent history illustrates how hard it is to build these capabilities.
China is recruiting former air force pilots from the West. And see this post about Jeffrey Katzenberg (Dreamworks), Joe Biden, and China. More here.
Black Powder. Still militarily important, though as an initiator for more-powerful explosives rather than as a primary explosive in its own right. The US was dependent on one.single.factory to manufacture this substance. It blew up.
Fiction as simulation:
Much like the way a differential equation can summarize the properties of a pendulum, fictional literature abstracts, summarizes, and compresses complex human relations by selecting only the most relevant elements. This abstracted level of comprehension also enables one to see how these principles apply elsewhere and how they may be generalized…Like mathematics, narrative clarifies understandings of certain generalizable principles that underlie an important aspect of human experience, namely intended human action.